

  • watches for sale
  • river icarus
  • the rider
  • night crow / no time
  • graffiti angel
  • river!industry
  • red stars blue night
  • black wings
  • the washington avenue bridge
  • railway icarus / subway icarus
  • so many ways to draw a line
  • a story a narrator a solution
  • clues formulas
  • chalk & slate
  • a web of interconnected
  • electrical visions
  • facts
  • failures
  • luminous wings / wax kites
  • weather
  • a planet turning


  • graphite crayon charcoal
  • ragged ink
  • this ink my blood my pulse
  • a path my steps
  • an arc jagged
  • frayed rounded curve
  • tonal bendable iron
  • steel string rope
  • tone row
  • clothes line
  • telephone wire
  • spray paint dark alley
  • sound light friction bow
  • & wire
  • infinite line bent
  • frayed curved angular
  • lattice of strings
  • bone wood wire
  • pine pitch
  • & horse hair
  • equations & formulas
  • algebraic manipulations

^ . .

  • calendars & clocks
  • church towers
  • (late-night drunken bells)
  • a time a place
  • a train — velocity
  • & physical particles
  • light waves sine waves
  • 1 sun 1 moon
  • 1 blue blue planet
  • a text / the book
  • the Book the word
  • the words the chapters
  • & sections & dates
  • the ledger — count of birds
  • a glacier
  • a blue blue sea
  • a window a boat
  • & ishmael's dreams
  • (an ocean heaving)
  • a fall / a rope & mast
  • so many ways to draw

^ . . .

  • a line
  • silver-stringed beast
  • wooden bird pine bone
  • & pale horses ...
  • last departure
  • last sign
  • last bird
  • last stop
  • captain ahab
  • last train
  • blue window
  • woolworth dreams
  • bells bright august noon
  • sandwich cherry coke
  • packages shiny shoes
  • new brown suitcase
  • silver clasp a
  • lucky strike the daily news
  • ... industry!


  • chapter 51 verse 4
  • incoherent tenuous
  • broken lines broken
  • light
  • stormy manifestos
  • unutterable unseeable
  • wordless sound
  • emergent dream
  • drowning
  • blue blue windows
  • manifesto
  • no map
  • bendable pitch
  • bendable time
  • space is time
  • is a path
  • is a lattice
  • is a train
  • is a cloud
  • risk & awkward
  • sacrificial failures
  • beautiful cranes
  • language & cranes
  • transfigured flight
  • awkward flight
  • fallen grace
  • relentless wave
  • tidal force
  • extinction / gone


  • ways to disappear
  • time
  • chapter 105 verse 4
  • flow or flux of time
  • stream of time
  • time's winged chariot or
  • train
  • chapter 111 verse 7
  • transient transitory
  • impetuous fleeting fading
  • flying
  • mutable fragile
  • passenger vagrant
  • wanderer drifter
  • mariner nomad bird
  • flight boat road
  • so many ways to disappear
  • transience impermanency savage
  • formulas heartless
  • calculations
  • zero
  • the equation the calculation


  • gone
  • just a drawing on a cave
  • a blot of ink
  • a story a filament
  • a history a photo
  • a grainy recording
  • last voice
  • last sound last breath
  • drawer full of
  • specimens and you
  • last bird
  • a name
  • a cage
  • a zoo
  • a window ∓
  • pale conductor
  • every morning they greet you
  • with packaged pellets
  • barren seeds &
  • finally
  • last morning
  • last entry
  • september 1, 1914
  • the last
  • passenger pigeon died
  • in the cincinnati zoo